
“Leave your drugs in the chemist’s pot if you can heal your patient with food.” 

Hippocrates, 400 B.C

Hello and welcome my name is Dominic I am a registered AfN associate nutritionist (ANutr) with a BSc in Applied Sport and Exercise Science and a MSc in Human Nutrition. I am also a graduate registrant on the sport and exercise nutritionist register (SENR). As an AfN registrant I must follow the guidelines and standards set by them for how a registered nutritionist should conduct themselves. I specialise in weight management, gut health and going vegan in a healthy and safe way, as well as covering sport nutrition with interests in Football, Brazilian JiuJitsu and General Exercise Nutrition tips.

My site will act as a place to find out how to get in touch and interact with me as well as potentially booking in a session to work with me. I will also be posting blogs about a wide range of nutrition subjects including sport and exercise blogs. The reason I decided to write blogs is because I find writing about these different nutrition subjects is a much better way of learning and keeping up with the world of nutrition. So, to help me keep up with the world of nutrition I thought I would write about different subjects, from simple subjects to maybe more complex subjects and even subjects not related to nutrition but to the world of sport, health and exercise if you are interested in reading about this stuff. I decided I should share these in blogs on my website not just for me but also for anyone interested in reading and learning more. If there are any subjects you would like me to write about feel free to comment or contact me through any of the social media or email links I have provided on the site or if you would like to work with me on your own health goals then click the contact me button below.  

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